Eight Productions

Alpha Tribe Rescue Mission

Alpha Tribe Rescue Mission This Alpha Tribe Advertisement is certainly something new and on top of the list of grand shoots in our books. A new experience that unfolded our creative minds even more. We are excited for the new possibilities this 2022. We didn’t think we could achieve something like this, it was unlike […]

Kevin & Demi {SDE Video}

Gensan Wedding Photographer SDE Video Kevin Demi Thumbnails - Eight Productions

Kevin & Demi {SDE Video} F*CK COVID Kevin and Demi didn’t want to be affected by it in anyway for their wedding. They swabbed everyone who attended and every supplier you could mention for the sake of security. They were certain their wedding wouldn’t shook, as they were certain about their love that nourish from […]

Kevin & Demi {Gensan Wedding}

Gensan Wedding Photographer Kevin Demi - Eight Productions

Kevin & Demi {Gensan Wedding} Happily, on this wedding the “best moments”could not be posted online, but only for the eyes of the couple and everyone present. In Gensan or maybe in this wedding alone is where we felt the pre covid era of weddings. Yes they only had a few wedding guest, everyone had […]

Kevin & Demi {Mini Movie}

1f60a - Eight Productions

Kevin & Demi {Mini Movie} After weeks of brain storming of all the possible resources, from our typical fast paced jetski and helicopters everything was disapproved by the couple. Kevin and Demi wanted something simple and nothing fancy. Something that would show who they are and what they do. Something like this  #KEVINfoundDEMIssingPiece #EightProductions #heARTcrafted […]

Lance & Mikee {Onsite Video}

Lance & Mikee {Onsite Video} Lance & Mikee are no strangers to our lens, as we recently shot another union in the family. The soulful connection we made with their family made this day effortless. Everyone was definitely in high spirits. This special day did not come easy for the couple since it was widely […]

Karlo and Nica {Prenup Video}

#MILAGROSNIKARLO When everything is so well planned, everyone arrived on time, everyone ready to rock and roll! Buuuuuttttttt storm was ready to rock too! I was just amazed by Karlo and Nica’s determination to finish the shoot and even shoot under the rain. They were both such troopers! To the Mercado and Rabat family, from […]

Ogy + Camille {Onsite Photos}

Ogy Camille Feature Photo 1310x544 1 - Eight Productions

“Hakuna Matata” – It means no worries. We had drastic weather changes during the day but everything had perfect timing. 11:30AM – it was raining, so we shot the wedding details inside the villa 1:00PM – it became gloomy we took photos of the entourage outdoors 3:00PM – Mr. Sun came out in time for […]

Andrew + Dahly {Onsite Video}

Andrew Dahly Feature Photo 1 - Eight Productions

Everything spontaneous, everything lovely, everything blissful! Eight Productions proudly presents the wedding of Andrew and Dahly. #thenewlyWhites2020 Thank you guys for having us it has been fun, sexy, and lovely! Seeing your faces while the videos were played gave us that heartfelt hug! See you soon in Sydney! Note: For the best experience please click […]

Andrew + Dahly {Onsite Photo}

Andrew Dahly Feature Photo - Eight Productions

Before the wedding, Dahly showed us the shots she wanted and we then knew how to photograph them both. Dre and Dahly are so cool that they love the camera and everyone was naturally having fun especially the lovely bridesmaids and groomsmen that came all the way from Australia. This wedding is filled with laughs […]

Junn & Abby {Onsite Video}

Junn Abby Feature Onsite Video - Eight Productions

On any dream wedding, the couple especially the bride wants things flawless but there are circumstances that we could not control such as the weather. We expected the bride to be disappointed at some point, but Abby wasn’t a concern in any way as she is a woman of grace. The couple still managed to […]