Eight Productions

Milton & Le-an {Onsite Video}

Siargao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions milton and le an video - Eight Productions

Milton & Le-an { Onsite Video } After witnessing a number of luxurious weddings, how can we appreciate one from the other? In this wedding, we found the answer. It was the balance of all the details that made this big day a memorable one. Other wedding couples would only focus on some (like the […]

Aron & Dee {Onsite Photos}

Davao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions aron and dee photo - Eight Productions

Aron & Dee { Onsite Photo } As much as we love to describe this lovely wedding we would save it for the oniste video. For now please view this oniste photo  — Please view in HD —  Wedding Details: Preparation: Marco Polo Church: Sta. Ana Shrine Parish Reception: Salome’s Garden by Chippens Make-up […]

Jef & Rachelle {AVP}

Davao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions jef and rachelle trailer - Eight Productions

Jefrey & Rachelle { Trailer } Showing September 26, 2018   

Aron & Dee {Engagement Photo}

Davao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions Aron and Dee eng photo - Eight Productions

Aron & Dee {Engagement Photo} So we had this crazy contest in collab with Concept Studio by the Cheeky Stylist to give away a free Pre-Wedding shoot and free concept design styling. We had more than 100 participants, but were Aron and Dee the lucky ONEs? NO, but they were the lucky 17, because she […]

Milton & Le-an { Onsite Photo }

Siargao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions milton and le an photo - Eight Productions

Milton & Le-an { Onsite Photo } This couple made sure we had our creative juice spinning from the Pre-wedding shoot to the wedding day they only stated: “kayo na bahala” with that creative freedom we certainly had a great time in their wedding. Congratulations Milton & Le-an From Team Eight Productions — PLEASE VIEW […]

Harley Marvin & Charmaine {Onsite Photo}

Davao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions marvin and charmaine - Eight Productions

Harley & Charmaine {Onsite Photo} It was a great Morning (9AM) Wedding we had a lot of first time experience from the preparation to Church it almost felt like an out of town shoot. We are happy to feel the warmth love from their family and we certainly had a great time shooting this wedding. […]

Aron & Dee {Pre-Wedding Trailer}

Davao Wedding Photographer Eight Productions Aron and dee trailer - Eight Productions

Aron + Dee {Pre-Wedding Trailer} This lovely couple made an effort to win our contest here is a taste of what we have for their wedding day This would not be possible without Concept Studio by the Cheeky Stylist who did such a fantastic job on the set design.