Eight Productions

Bob & Che {wedding album}

Bob & Che {wedding album}

It has definitely been a long wait, but our latest album line has finally arrived to home base! =) We usually let the client choose the photos for their wedding albums (since of course, they’re the ones keeping it), but Bob and Che gave Eight Productions the artistic freedom to choose which photos would best tell their fairy tale of a wedding – down to the album cover! It was a test of our artistic juices as we wanted to avoid clutter and select only a few from the several choices that we had. After a long selection process though, we finally managed to pulled off our creative vision.

With regard to the new album line, it uses a unique suede material and has a new ergonomic box =) Here are a few clicks of the cover to show you how it looks like, but we highly recommend you feel the texture personally =) Once again, here is the wedding album of Bob and Che!

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Corporate Photographer Bacolod

Corporate Photographer Bacolod is Eight Productions! One of the best finds you can have right away when it comes to this event. Inquire today! Get a quote now   !  Feel free to scan our Instagram too!